Why ‘Southland Heritage’ ?

“It’s not a political stance. It’s a stance for the people and for our environment.”

In 2016, Americans were faced with two choices for the presidential election. I’ll keep the politics out of this but ultimately; I felt like my vote between the two was well, meaningless..

Around the same time, I rediscovered a treasure trove of my dads jeans and clothing. Not only was it sentimental to wear his clothes and feel closer to him, it also connected me to a time when things were done differently. At a point where my vote felt meaningless, I was hit with this realization that good, quality clothing DOES last. This made me realize that voting with my money had more weight than I previously thought (or didn’t think about). It also helped me to truly appreciate the importance and value of ‘heritage’ clothing. It’s not just a vintage fad or an up-cycling trend. It means more than that.

Since then, I’ve decided to put my money where my mouth is. I transformed my entire wardrobe and replaced every garment (within time, money restraints and reason) with an American made piece. I took advantage of sale after sale, dreaming of the day where I would just be wearing a full all-American outfit head-to-toe. Knowing, in the back of mind, that I would be passing these clothes down to my kids too.

After time, my closet filled out, and my American made outfits grew in number. I realized I had a collection and I had become this niche connoisseur of my favorite American brands, gear etc. Eventually, I started to dream about something of my own. I wanted to work in tandem with all these companies I adore. At the very least, to raise awareness to my friends and family of the industry. I wrote down a few names for myself, just for fun, and Southland Heritage came to mind. It sort of just stuck.

Since 2016, I have dedicated my time, energy and money finding all this American made gear. Now, I am sharing what I have found with others. I truly want to make a difference; to vote with my money, and simply to support Americans like myself. I became passionate about sourcing everything and anything ‘MADE IN USA. It’s not a political stance. It’s a stance for the people and for our environment.

Southland Heritage is your (self appointed), American-made, stylist - you didn’t know you had.

My momma was just about as tenacious as they come.

In her honor, I am keeping the name alive - tenaciously sourcing American manufacturing.


Spring Fit 2023